Monday 19 January 2009

Does boycotting work?


Before I answer that let me ask you- even if it were to have no impact at all, can you still drink a can of Coke or have a KitKat or shop in M & S knowing that these companies actively supported the massacre of innocent people in Gaza with the profit of what you bought?

Some like Nestle intend to open their main head office in occupied lands. If you are comfortable will that at night, then the whole idea of boycott is not for you. However, boycotting does work!

1) It worked with the apartheid regime of South Africa which eventually led to the dismantling of the apartheid system

2) It worked with the Danish products which made losses of 100's of million of pounds

3) Even if we were to boycott one big company and it felt the effect of the boycott, dont you think they will think twice before they sponsor Israel? Dont you think others will think three times before they do the same!

4) I am working with other organisations to draw a list of the top 10 products/companies and if we all boycott the worst offenders IT WILL HAVE AN IMPACT

5) I will be compiling a list of 'ALTERNATIVE STORES/PRODUCTS' which a lot of you have asked for. Please help by sending it to my inbox so that I can compile a full list of ALTERNATIVE STORES/PRODUCTS that do not support Israel ieASDALIDLMORRISONS(for general shopping) Instead of: TescoSainsburysPret A Manger instead of Starbucks and so on..... DO YOUR BIT.

YOU BOYCOTT FIRST AND THEN TELL OTHERS. invite everyone from your contacts to join

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