Wednesday 7 January 2009

Arms Embargo petition on Downing Street Website

Israel's massacre in Gaza has resulted in the bloodiest toll of lives yet, more than 700 Palestinians have been killed, half of whom were women and children.

Israel wouldn't be able to commit these atrocities if it didn't have the arms to do so.The government's own figures show Britain is selling more and more weapons to Israel. In 2007, our government approved £6m of arms exports.

In 2008, it licensed sales 12 times as fast: £20m in the first three months alone.

Please show your opposition to this and sign the petition demanding "the Prime Minister to do everything in his power to impose an arms embargo on Israel" and "to apply pressure on countries supplying Israel with arms that breach international agreements with the intention of restoring lasting peace to the region"

Link to petition:

Please circulate to all your lists

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